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Have you bought a new Thermocouple Wafer and it cracked before you even tested it?
We are all humans and mechanical breakage of Thermocouple Wafers during testing can easily occur.
Wafers can crack also under high temperatures or high-pressure processes.

If your process temperatures are under 800 °C, you need Thermocouple Wafer repair!
Because the higher temperature will cause TC wire thinner by oxidation.
We will carefully remove and clean the sensors, check the condition of K-type wires, and move them to a new wafer. When sensors and wires are attached we send your TCW to 3rd party laboratory to do the final and most important step-TCW calibration.

Cracked TCW-s.

Let's comunicate!
For all the further information please contact Philipp Quaderer via mail: or via Phone: +4237928027.
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